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International Women’s Day – Getting to know Kellie

As part of International Women’s Day at Garic, we are sharing a series of articles focussing on women from across the business, and how they spend their day. Kellie works in Stores and is based at our Dudley depot.

Starting the day

Fudge, my Cavapoo

What is your morning routine?

My day starts at 5.30 am, I get up, get washed and dressed. Feed our little dog, Fudge. I then make the beds, tidy up and prep the evening meal (usually throw something in the slow cooker). I then make sure that Jenson (my son) has everything he needs for his day at school.

Are you eating a full breakfast, smoothie, or is it a grab and go?

I might grab something like a banana or something. I’m not a breakfast person.

Are you working from home or the depot?

I’m working in the yard which takes around 15 to 20 mins drive depending on the traffic. I don’t drive John does.

Your working day

What’s your first drink when you start work?

When I get to work, I might grab a hot chocolate or a diet coke not the best, but I like it.

Painting the walkway

How do you schedule your workday?

First off is the morning meeting to find out what needs to be done on that day. Today I need to paint the floors in the workshop, answer a few emails and check the stores to see what needs to be ordered to restock the shelves. I then help the fitters and drivers to find what they need for their day and book the stock out to them. If the stores are quiet, I double up as the cleaner and will find time to clean the canteen, toilets, and offices. I do a bit of everything.

What do you enjoy about work?

I like that we have a good team at Dudley. I like that everyone pulls together. There’s always somebody around to help, if needed.

Is there anything Garic could do to encourage some more women into construction?

I think Garic is going in the right direction, there are a few women dotted around the depots and slowly, as a company, we’re getting there.

Me and my scooters.

Your evening

What do you do when you get home?

When I get home, I see how everyone’s day has been, make sure everyone has had a good day and are ok. I then finish tidying up from the morning time, and finish cooking our evening meal before we all sit around the table and eat together. I think that’s important at the end of the day.

What are you having for dinner tonight?

Tonight, we are having curry which I threw in the slow cooker this morning, Just the rice left to cook.

Do you have any hobbies or exercise routines?

I don’t have any hobbies really, but I do ride my scooters in the summer months. In lockdown, I learnt to knit and mainly make baby jackets as they’re small.

What book/TV show/film are you currently reading/watching?

The Gin Shack

I’m currently watching Vikings Valhalla and Peaky blinders.

How do you wind down?

Once everyone else is sorted, I have a long soak in the bath and switch off. I might wonder off to the gin shack (my shed) and relax with a gin or 2.

Some final facts

Who is your favourite artist/album?

I don’t have a favourite artist or type of music. I like a mix of pop, rock, and reggae.

Do you have a favourite saying/mantra/quote?

Believe you can, and you’re halfway there.

Always be nice because you don’t know what’s going on in people’s lives.

Who is your female hero (past or present)?

I would have to say my mum. She is the strongest, most independent women I know. She is 76 and still fostering, she has loved and helped so many children over the years and instilled morals and manners to last them a lifetime. She is my hero.

Who is your Favourite businesswoman, and why?

Margaret Thatcher she was a green grocer’s daughter and went to university and helped discovered Mr Whippy ice cream and then went on to become prime minister. Was she a businesswoman? I don’t know, but she was inspirational.

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

International Women’s Day reflects and highlights many amazing women of our generation, past generations, and reminds us of how far women have come.

What are you most proud of in your life?

As a mum of four, I have to say my children. I have raised four amazing young adults. I’m very proud of them all.

Where have you experienced or overcome bias?

I haven’t.

What has been a difficult choice in your life?

Life is there to test us, nobody said life would be easy life can be difficult, but we just get on with it.

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