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Garic’s secret Black Country mission is revealed – well almost

Garic has just completed a very special secret mission in the Black Country. The company donated one of its market leading Armadillo Eco welfare units to the makers of DIY SOS to use during the transformation of a modest family home in West Bromwich.

BBC One presenter Nick Knowles and his hugely popular team of builders, electricians, plumbers, decorators and landscapers were joined by an army of volunteers as they constructed a two-storey extension for a family in desperate need of additional living space.

Garic’s Birmingham team delivered the towable six-man welfare unit to the site and made sure it was fully serviced throughout the project. The unit’s canteen, toilet and drying room provided additional site facilities during the intensive nine-day construction schedule. Constructed from steel, the self contained Armadillo is solar powered and has LED lighting making it robust, reliable and comfortable – perfect for best supporting roles like this!

Commenting on the project, the company’s Midland’s regional account manager Sophie Rolfe said: “It’s been an incredible experience for all of us here at the Birmingham depot. We’ve all been very moved by the plight of the family and by the incredible generosity of the hundreds of volunteers.

“It was very interesting being involved behind the scenes in the making of the programme and we were thrilled to be invited to attend the big reveal last week. We’ve got to keep some things under wraps though until it is aired later in the year – can’t wait to watch it!”

Intelligent Site Planning for Every Sector

Garic’s intelligent online site planning tool helps you deliver successful projects by quickly and reliably planning all of the equipment your site will need, from welfare units and wheel washers, to power generators and lighting. We’ll even advise on maintenance and specify fuel saving and eco-friendly options to help you hit your sustainability targets.