Why site layout and design are important in construction.
Prior to the start of any construction project, a great deal of work must be done before any machinery, equipment or workers arrive on site. The phrase “prior proper planning prevents poor performance” is very apt in the construction industry, as taking the time to plan and manage a task before any action is taken is crucial to having a safe, successful and productive site.
Here at Garic, we have an in-house team that specialises in the bespoke design of construction sites. This makes us far more than just your equipment and site welfare rental partner, we’ll help keep your employees safe, and your carbon emissions under control.
From comprehensive layouts to detailed footprints, we are fully equipped to ensure your site is maximised to its full potential. Interested in finding out more?
Find out more- Site design and layout services.
What are Construction Site Layout Considerations?
Our site services team can help you design and plan a site installation prior to project commencement; maximising space, minimising cost, preparing a safe working environment and reducing your impact on the environment.
Working closely with your project team, they can ensure that all aspects of your on-site requirements are carefully considered, planned and delivered. So, exactly what site layout considerations are taken into account?
Site accessibility.
Taking the roads on and around the construction site into consideration is an important factor. Think about what type of vehicles will be frequently visiting the site, and also the type that will be navigating the site in general. Ensuring easy access and simple navigation when on-site will drastically reduce the chances of accidents while reducing the time needed to arrive at, or leave the site.
Offices, accommodation and welfare facility placement.
Factoring the number and type of staff expected at any one time into your planning is essential for an efficient construction site. Will staff be staying on-site, and if so, is there adequate accommodation for them? Are the offices conveniently placed to allow for easy visitor access without needing to cross any active areas on-site while still providing a good view of the site as a whole? Then you should also plan to locate the toilets, washing facilities, drinking water and messrooms in an area that is easy to access for the majority of the workforce, and if needs be, assign more than one area for this.
Many factors need to be considered before any storage facilities even arrive on-site. How much equipment or material will need to be stored? Have you considered any weather or security protections required? Is there a sufficient amount of storage space and is there a suitable working area around the storage facilities? Then you must consider the actual location of the storage facilities, and ensure that they are suitably placed so as to not impede the flow of the site.
Temporary services.
Will there be a need to bring in any temporary services at any stage of the construction project? These can include water supply, wastewater piping, surface water drains, cables and pipes for utility supplies. How long will the additional workers be on site? Have you got adequate welfare facilities to accommodate them or will you need to bring in additional welfare facilities? Importantly, if you will need to bring in additional welfare facilities, even for as little as one week, you will need to ensure that there is space planned out for them.
Here you must consider two factors, mobile and stationary plants. If the plant is mobile, then the planned route must be considered in order to ensure optimal usage and efficiency are achieved. While you should also bear in mind that additional on-site space may be required in order to maintain the plant. Whereas if the plant is stationary, finding a suitable area to place it for the duration of the project should be the main consideration.
Fencing is not required on all construction sites, but in many cases, the contract itself will indicate whether or not fencing is required, and what type is needed. You may also want to consider whether or not the area is known for vandalism, as this can help determine if fencing is needed. If vandalism is prevalent you may want to consider opting for anti-vandal products such as toilet blocks.
Health and safety
If each of the considerations discussed so far is appropriately actioned against, then the minimal requirements for the relevant health and safety regulations should be comfortably met. You can find out more about the health and safety requirements in construction here: Health and safety in construction (HSG150).
FAQs on Construction Site Layout Considerations
What is the definition of a site layout in construction?
A site layout plan is a detailed plan showing the layout of the entire site, from the outer boundary, including nearby roads and any neighbouring buildings to the positioning of assets, welfare units and facilities within the site itself. This plan should be put together while considering all important site functions, which should enable productivity and safety on site.
What are the main construction site layout considerations?
Factors such as access to the site, storage areas, plants, welfare facilities, health, safety, fencing, offices and accommodations are the primary considerations that should be taken into account during the process of planning a construction site layout.
How is a good construction site layout beneficial?
A properly planned construction site layout enables workers, materials and machines to flow around the construction site in a safe, efficient and economical manner. For example, a good layout will prevent the need for materials to be handled multiple times prior to arriving at the required area of the site. It will also increase worker safety and productivity on site.
What are the consequences of poor construction site layout?
Failure to properly plan the layout of a construction site can have detrimental impacts on the productivity, morale and safety of the workers on site. Machines and materials are likely to be improperly located, often leading to the need to double handle materials.
Why is construction site accessibility important?
Construction site accessibility is a key factor that must be taken into consideration at the planning stage of the site’s layout. While easy access will reduce the chances of accidents, ensure driver morale stays high, and that it is quick and easy to arrive at or leave the site, poor accessibility can be time-consuming, damaging to driver morale and increase the likelihood of accidents occurring.
Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your next requirements and see how we can help you save money, the environment, and space, all while improving safety. Our dedicated site design team are on hand to help, and we are also ready to become your equipment rental partner.
If you have any questions about our products or our site design services, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our knowledgeable and dedicated hire and sales teams are ready and waiting to hear from you. If you have a general enquiry, need plant and welfare facilities or to access our new site procurement service, Garic Connect, we’re just a phone call or an email away.
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